The beauty in you!
Did you know that you are beautiful, smart, courageous, and talented! Your personality is so amazing! You have so much to offer the world, YOU are just getting started! Why is it so easy to build up others? To invest not only time, but energy into someone else’s dream. Yet, your dreams, goals, and aspirations are sitting at the very top of the shelf (collecting dust) and every time you attempt to dust it off, your head is filled with negative statements.
“I can’t do it!”
“I don’t have time”
“What if no one likes it?”
“If only I had the time!”
“I am not as talented as I thought I was!”
“I need to lose at least 20 lbs., then I will be ready”
“I can’t do this! Everyone else’s website, Instagram, and Blog all look better than mine!
At this point you have not only talked yourself out of why you can’t accomplish your dream. You have definitely beat yourself up so bad that you feel about 2ft tall!
Your Thoughts = Your Feelings
Let’s talk about the importance of your thoughts! The amount of stress and tension you place on your body with just one negative thought is unbelievable! Our thoughts fuel us! They motivate us and are also associated with a feeling! For example:
“I made that deadline; I am definitely that Boss!”
Happy, Proud, Accomplished
“I can’t believe I just failed this exam!
I am never going to pass my certification “
Defeated, Angry
“How in the world am I going to juggle my career,
home-life, and personal life?”
Worried, anxious
You get my point right? You are in control! You have the ability, power, and will to be whatever you want to be! You just have to see the beauty in you! The beauty that others can or even can’t see instead of holding on to the negative thoughts, you know that Velcro & Teflon Theory. We often hold on to the negative like Velcro and in return we allow the positive to slide off of us like Teflon.
You are probably saying, “Chi Quita that is easier said than done.” And I agree! Let me be absolutely transparent with you all! The woman you see before you today is not the same woman from many, many years ago! I felt that I lived in a world where I was only consumed by negative energy! I allowed others tell me who I was and tell me what I was able to accomplish. I remember not being a leader in middle school! I remember getting picked on by people I thought were my friends, being told I wasn’t pretty enough based off of the darkness of my skin! I never got the guy, never felt worthy, and always had to try 10 times harder than the average person!
At one point in my life, I felt depressed, anxious, unworthy, and lost. I felt that everyone’s life was better than mine and I did not have a purpose.
“At one point in my life, I felt depressed, anxious, unworthy, and lost.”
“Why was I here?”
“What is my life purpose?”
“Why are only the bad things happening to me? I just want to catch a break!”
To be absolutely honest, I do not think I understood the power of my thoughts until about 4 years ago! You see, life has a way of allowing you to go through some deep, unexplainable journeys that will stop you dead in your tracks and rethink the whole way you move! I had to learn not to allow others to control my emotions. All the power I needed was within me! I had to take a seat to reflect…I mean really self-reflect on my goals, accomplishments, and admire all of the POSITIVE things within my life. Although I did not believe them at first, I had to lean on my positive affirmations:
“Although I did not believe them at first, I had to lean on my positive affirmations”:
“I AM beautiful”
“I AM worthy”
“I AM strong”
“I AM powerful”
“I AM Me”
“I AM The Chi Quita Mack”
That means I am not perfect, I do not have all the answers, and I am always willing to learn. I appreciate the woman I am today and I do not regret ANY negative experience I have ever gone through! Why? From it came growth, power, and a spirit I always had, but never took the time to embrace it.
The Journey Begins with You
Ladies, embrace the beauty within you! You have to believe it before you expect anyone else too! The work, the journey, the process all begins with you! I encourage self-reflection and self-love! Begin focusing on you! Take the time to write! Let your mind run free and be completely honest (no matter how difficult that may be)! You are strong, You are worthy, and You are Beautiful.